Original Poetry Contests

Entry Deadline – February 1, 2025
Awards Reception – April 9, 2025 at 1:00pm

Poetry Tea

April 12, 2023

Private, Non-Profit Organization of Women Founded in 1890.


The Wednesday Club of Saint Louis was founded in 1890 by women who wished to continue their intellectual growth, stay abreast of the times, and contribute to the community. From the club’s beginning, members have worked together to advance culture, education, and civic improvement.


The Executive Board, composed of elected officers and Standing Committee and Study Section Chairmen, meets monthly and oversees all functions of the Club.


The Wednesday Club of Saint Louis was founded in 1890 by women who wished to continue their intellectual growth and contribute to the community.


Study Sections: Art, International Studies, Current Topics, Literature, Creative Work, Music, Drama, Poetics, Education, Science, History and Workshops.